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Sunday, 21 May 2023



By: Nebo Obinna Collins

Executive Director, New Century Initiative
(Partner In Advancing Democracy and Peaceful Election.)

Voter registration is a key part of democracy around the world. In advancing inclusive governance in Nigeria, it is necessary for citizens to play active role during election, especially among the young voters who may be voting for the first time.

Independent Electoral Commission (INEC) is an umpire that is established by the act of parliament for the purpose of organizing credible elections in Nigeria.

In a democracy, where universal adult suffrage is an institutionalized electoral practice in the electoral system. It is necessary for citizens to determine their fate by voting massively for competent and credible leaders who will serve the general purpose of ensuring effective public accountability and public service delivery.

2023 is crucial for Nigeria because of the recent advancements, most importantly, the introduction of the new electoral law which is a massive gain, it is advisable for Nigerians to support INEC to enable her suppress possible pressure and frustrations from some political individuals, by complying to electoral guidelines and expressing healthy political socialization in order to soften the hard nuts for the electoral umpire.

Moreover, Nigerians still expect INEC to update and upgrade their facilities, and also provide more Data Capturing Machines in areas where they are needed urgently for quick voter registration, besides, help in consolidating plans for easy voting process. With the massive turn out of citizens at the voter registration centers, there is hope for an interesting, free, fair, credible and peaceful election in 2023.

#nigeria #elections #law

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